My world quiz
Vilken text till vilken låt?
1. "So tell me how could
I ever be normal somehow"
A. Down To Earth
B. One Less Lonely Girl
C. Bigger
2. "Under the disco ball
we're the only ones
on the floor"
A. Favorite Girl
B. First Dance
C. Love Me
3. "So many times I wished
you'd be the one for me"
A. One Time
B. Bigger
C. Favorite Girl
4. "I promise my dear I'll
put nothin' above ya"
A. One Less Lonley Girl
B. Love Me
C. Down To Earth
5. "Don't need these other
pretty faces like I need you"
A. One Less Lonley Girl
B. One Time
C. Bigger
6. "When I met you girl
my heart went knock knock"
A. First Dance
B. Bigger
C. One Time
7. "Can't take our hugs and
our kisses from us"
A. Bigger
B. Down To Earth
C. One Less Lonley Girl
Correct answers:
(1 point for every correct answer)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. A
0-3 points - Keep Listening
You love Justin more than life
but to call yourself the ultimate
Bieber fan, keep the CD on repeat until
you know every word to every single song.
4-5 points - Loyal Listener
You are pretty on point when it comes
to J's lyrics, but you still have a few listens
to go before you beat those moments of
blanking out while singing along with Justin.
6-7 points - Listening 24/7
There's no denying that you will be the
one helping out Justin if he forgets a lyric
on stage! You are definitely Justin's #1 fan!
så är du ett fan eller själv fick jag alla rätt ahha ^^

1. "So tell me how could
I ever be normal somehow"
A. Down To Earth
B. One Less Lonely Girl
C. Bigger
2. "Under the disco ball
we're the only ones
on the floor"
A. Favorite Girl
B. First Dance
C. Love Me
3. "So many times I wished
you'd be the one for me"
A. One Time
B. Bigger
C. Favorite Girl
4. "I promise my dear I'll
put nothin' above ya"
A. One Less Lonley Girl
B. Love Me
C. Down To Earth
5. "Don't need these other
pretty faces like I need you"
A. One Less Lonley Girl
B. One Time
C. Bigger
6. "When I met you girl
my heart went knock knock"
A. First Dance
B. Bigger
C. One Time
7. "Can't take our hugs and
our kisses from us"
A. Bigger
B. Down To Earth
C. One Less Lonley Girl
Correct answers:
(1 point for every correct answer)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. A
0-3 points - Keep Listening
You love Justin more than life
but to call yourself the ultimate
Bieber fan, keep the CD on repeat until
you know every word to every single song.
4-5 points - Loyal Listener
You are pretty on point when it comes
to J's lyrics, but you still have a few listens
to go before you beat those moments of
blanking out while singing along with Justin.
6-7 points - Listening 24/7
There's no denying that you will be the
one helping out Justin if he forgets a lyric
on stage! You are definitely Justin's #1 fan!
så är du ett fan eller själv fick jag alla rätt ahha ^^
