Justins spellista :D

Here it is, Justin Bieber’s Top 10 Playlist, according to the man himself: 1. Taylor Swift, “FIFTEEN” :: Great lyrics and melody. Taylor is such a great songwriter and my “Favorite Girl” haha

2. Kings of Leon, “USE SOMEBODY” :: One of my favorite bands right now.

3. Owl City, FIREFLIES” :: The melody of this song is amazing and contagious.

4. Jay-Z, “EMPIRE STATE OF MIND” :: I love my hometown, Stratford, Ontario but this song makes me feel like I’m a New Yorker. Haha

5. Beyonce, “SWEET DREAMS” :: Beyonce is the ultimate performer and the video for this song is awesome.

6. Jay Sean, “DOWN” :: A fun record. Really like Lil Wayne’s verse.

7. Jason Derulo, “WHATCHA SAY” :: I love the Imogen Heap sample

8. Sean Kingston, “EENIE MEENIE” :: Gotta include my boy Sean

9. Jay-Z, “RUN THIS TOWN” :: One of my favorite songs as well as videos out right now.

10. Justin Bieber, “U SMILE” :: I love my fans, they are everything


Posat av: Jasmine

Hej, jag undrar bara var har ni hittat denna listan :D?

2010-03-30 @ 20:55:28
Bloggadress: http://essatjej.blogg.se/
Posat av: J B M U S I C . B L O G G . S E

Hej, hur har du fått den där bloggsvar-grejen? :)

Står att man måste bli typ inbjuden för att få en sån ... ^^ Skulle du isf kunna skicka en inbjudan till mig? :) Kramar<3

2010-03-30 @ 21:22:18
Bloggadress: http://jbmusic.blogg.se/

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