Justin Bieber to Sing Songs From 'My World 2.0' på QVC

Justin Bieber may not be far from selling his own product line on TV, but tonight the Canadian pop singer will be appearing on QVC to perform songs from 'My World 2.0,' beginning at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. ET.

"Hey guys! I'm gonna perform songs from My World 2.0 LIVE on QVC," Justin told his fans on Facebook.

The 16-year-old star has partnered with the home shopping network to bring fans two live performances and an exclusive interview. Viewers can watch the Q Sessions set on TV or online at QVC.com.

QVC is also offering Beliebers a special pre-order of 'My World 2.0,' which includes the new album and a bonus DVD. The DVD features videos for 'Baby,' 'One Less Lonely Girl' and 'One Time'; live performances of 'Favorite Girl' and 'Never Let You Go'; and The Making of 'Baby' video and more behind-the-scenes footage.

Those who order the CD/DVD combo will also get a copy of Justin's debut album, 'My World.' If you're a hardcore fan, you probably already have it, but it's still a pretty sweet deal. 'My World 2.0' arrives in stores on March 23.


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