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It may be an understatement to say that overnight teen sensation Justin Bieber makes girls go gaga. But luckily for them, the feeling is mutual.
"I just really love girls!" the 15-year-old told Atlanta's WWWQ-Q100 99.7, where the first question he received from a female caller was, "Will you marry me?"
When it comes to creating his signature shaggy look, the young idol revealed, "After I have [a] shower, I blow dry my hair and just shake it and it goes like that" – which prompted the caller to reply: "I love it when you shake it!"
"I could say the same thing about Beyoncé," Bieber said.
Despite the female attention from his new-found fame, Bieber said he hasn’t been on a date in about three years. Asked to describe the type of girl who catches his eye, Bieber, who lives in Atlanta, said he’s partial to "nice eyes and a nice smile, a girl that can make me laugh, because everybody likes to laugh."
There was no shortage of laughter when Bieber performed his take on another YouTube sensation: Larry Platt, whose American Idol audition of a song called "Pants on the Ground" has gone viral.

"I just really love girls!" the 15-year-old told Atlanta's WWWQ-Q100 99.7, where the first question he received from a female caller was, "Will you marry me?"
When it comes to creating his signature shaggy look, the young idol revealed, "After I have [a] shower, I blow dry my hair and just shake it and it goes like that" – which prompted the caller to reply: "I love it when you shake it!"
"I could say the same thing about Beyoncé," Bieber said.
Despite the female attention from his new-found fame, Bieber said he hasn’t been on a date in about three years. Asked to describe the type of girl who catches his eye, Bieber, who lives in Atlanta, said he’s partial to "nice eyes and a nice smile, a girl that can make me laugh, because everybody likes to laugh."
There was no shortage of laughter when Bieber performed his take on another YouTube sensation: Larry Platt, whose American Idol audition of a song called "Pants on the Ground" has gone viral.
