Glöm inte Justin chatten i natt
- Det blir la cirka 2 här i Sverige inatt ^^
- ngn mer än jag som ska se?@ 8:00pm EST eller? någon som vet? skriv gärna till mig om ni vet^^
- Here's your chance to ask Justin Bieber a question and have it answered in front of thousands of other fans during this exclusive ChatABase event, hosted by Saturday Night Online - Live with Romeo!
- Saturday, March 27, 2010
@ 8:00pm EST - Saturday Night Online - Live with Romeo
Submit your question for Justin Bieber:
You've always wanted to ask Justin Bieber a question - now you can! Just enter your question below and click "Submit". Then watch the chat event on Saturday Night Online - Live with Romeo on Saturday, March 27, 2010 to see if Justin Bieber picks your question as one to answe
