Chat med Justin Bieber
Ask Justin your questions!
SaturdayNightOnline.Com Live with Romeo will be hosting an exclusive online ChatABase with Justin Bieber on 03/27/2010. Registration for the chat is open now at Register now to be a part of the chat and submit your questions to Justin. If Justin answers your question you'll be automatically entered into the contest to win one of 50 autographed Justin Bieber 8x10’s, or the grand prize trip to meet Justin in person on his upcoming tour!
Hej snälla läsa detta inlägg & uppmana dina läsare att rösta också!! Nu drar vi hit Justin till sverige!!:D
söt blogg, här har du lyckats!
kika gärna in hos mej <3
Anmäl dig till veckans blogg :D
Åh vad kul! ;D
hi will you ever g to lubbock tx
omg omg omg ogm omg omg omg omg JUSTIN BIEBER I LOVE YOU SO MACH I LOVE YOU <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
justin you are so cute can you give me two tickets to your concert.
hay justin i hope you awake still
hay i just want to say that would you get with me if iam small and great persanality and would make you smile ... so i luv you with all my heart :]:]:]:] ....
Bra Blogg! :)
hi justin bieber I LOVE YOU i love your songs so much / merna and stephanie BYE
Hi Justin!!! I like music that much than you do and I had think about to do like you do, play videos when I sing. Beacus music is my life I can't live withot music.
Your fan Ellinor. My nummber 0760483541
hej jag bara älska justin bieber jag är hans största fan i hela universum hahaha men det är sant
hello justin i like music and you<33333333333333
hello Ilove justin bieber and he,s music <333333333333333 Ilove your smile Ilove your hair I love you eyes :) <3333
Hello justin! I love you! and You ar so sweet! and hot! LOVE YOU JUSTIN! <33333
i love justin bieber
yes i love justin bieber (jag pratar ocså svenska)
i love jb love love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you ar reli svit can aj get jor number.
älskar dig